Henna for hair, an ancient tradition
A natural dye, with no harmful addition
From the leaves of the plant, it is made
With benefits for the hair, that will never fade
It coats each strand, with a rich hue
Giving hair a shine, that's brand new
From browns to reds, to blacks so dark
Henna gives hair, a color that will spark
It's not just a dye, but a treatment too
For damaged hair, it will see you through
It strengthens and nourishes, from root to tip
Giving hair a health, that's truly hip
It's a natural alternative, to chemicals so harsh
Henna for hair, is a choice that's smart
With every application, hair will thrive
Henna for hair, will always be alive
So embrace the tradition, of Henna for hair
A natural beauty, that will always be fair.