Over the last couple of weeks, we have given you an insight into the things you have to look into as careful consumers of Henna. When it comes to dyeing your hair, we don’t want you rash decisions which can lead to anything wrong happening. So today, we would like to cover the things which you definitely should NOT do before dyeing your hair using henna:
1. Be sure of the colour you want to colour your hair to:
When you decide to colour your hair on your own, do not go for a hair colour two shades darker or lighter than your natural hair colour. In case you want to experiment with a new colour, visit a salon. Doing it on your own could damage your hair as complicated hair colour changes can require some chemicals.
2. Do not make a decision solely on what the box shows
While the picture of the model on the box of every henna box is for your reference, do not make up your mind solely on the colour of what her hair is like. This is because we aren’t aware of how her hair was before the dye. Moreover, everyone has a different hair texture. Thus, do your preliminary research before making your purchase.
3. Do not forget to do damage control
Before you decide to dye your hair, make sure that you have a head wash with your shampoo the day before. This is in order to ensure to avoid your hair scalp from any itching or irritation the next day. It also helps even the permeability of your hair so that the hair colour spreads evenly.
4. Do not go for colour overkill
If you notice that your hair colour is fading after some time, do not think of applying another coat of henna, even if it’s pure and natural. Doing that could cause severe damage to your hair, cause colour buildup and instead of making it even, you would see discoloured ends. That is definitely not what you’d want.
5. Do NOT forget to do a strand test
Even if you are an expert of dyeing your hair by yourself, always do a strand test 3 days prior to your actual planned day to make sure of the final colour you would get once you dye your hair. In case you don’t like it, you can always back out but once it gets to your head, things would seem impossible to reverse back!
We hope these things would definitely help you to avoid what’s the worst in the store for you. We will continue to bring back tips and tricks that you definitely should follow for a better growth for your beautiful hair.
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